Fair Trade
Fair trade and us
As soon as the brand was created, it seemed obvious to us that the adventure in the world of organic chocolate should go along with that of fair trade.
Elle représente l’entraide entre les pays développés du Nord, et les pays émergents du sud. Cela fait maintenant plus de dix ans, que les chocolats bio Palais d’ébène bénéficient du label « Commerce Equitable », Max Havelaar France.
It represents mutual assistance between the developed countries of the North and the emerging countries of the South. It’s been more than ten years since the Palais d’Ebène organic chocolates benefited from the “Fair Trade” label, Max Havelaar France.
Max Havelaar is an international solidarity association that represents the fair trade movement. Its objective is to enable farmers and employees in the emerging countries of the southern hemisphere to live off their job.
The cocoa bean is grown by small producers in the shade of tropical forests. It is mainly consumed in the northern hemisphere.
Since the cocoa market has become very important, some major groups have specialized in market controls. With other independent speculators, they set the exchange rates in the world and the supplies of the markets.
The “Fair Trade” sector provides better remuneration for small cocoa producers. It allows them to live properly on the sales of their crops.
Each of our FairTrade / Max Havelaar products is subject to regular checks, which are carried out by the independent certification body FLOCERT.
The “FairTrade” label mentioned on our range of organic chocolates guarantees to our consumers that all these products on sale come from a “Fair Trade” process.